十大正规赌博平台大全伯克学院的工科学生获得了LION STEM奖学金


今年的LION STEM学者包括(前排), 从左到右)萨凡纳·索托, 麦肯齐尤因, 米凯拉·多诺霍和格拉迪斯·佩雷斯·罗德里格斯, (后排, 从左到右)奥古斯丁·门吉瓦, 卡尔文Yoder), 以赛亚·史密斯和马蒂亚斯·马泰.

来源:Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — Eight incoming 宾州州立银行 students were awarded a four-year scholarship to study engineering through the 宾州州立银行 Leveraging Innovation and Optimizing Nurturing (LION) STEM Scholars Program. 这个项目已经是第三年了.

Earlier this year, 宾州州立银行 received a $750,000 grant from the U.S. 国家科学基金科学奖学金, 技术, 工程与数学(S-STEM)课程. 这笔拨款用于创建狮子STEM学者项目, 哪一个提供四年的支持, 可再生6美元,250 scholarship to talented engineering students with demonstrated financial need. 符合要求的学生将在四年内获得25,000美元.

除了奖学金, 学生还将获得学术支持, 指导, 以及通过LION STEM学者项目的专业发展. A cohort of students will be enrolled in the program each year for three years, 项目期间共有18位学者.

The LION STEM Scholars Program also provides other experiences shown to 支持 college success including a free four-week summer “bridge” program called Engineering Ahead to enhance academic preparedness and to provide community-building experiences prior to the first fall semester of college. Engineering Ahead包括一个队列体验, 特殊的赌博平台大全选择, 以及注重交流的丰富活动, 金融知识, 职业准备, 本科生研究和社区参与.

今年的奖学金获得者包括:米凯拉·多诺霍, 伦敦的, Ohio; 麦肯齐尤因, 莫斯利的, Virginia; Matthias Maftei, 阅读的, 宾西法尼亚; Agustin Menjivar, 庞普顿湖, New Jersey; Gladys Perez Rodriguez, 阅读的, 宾西法尼亚; Isaiah Smith, 阅读的, 宾西法尼亚; Savannah Soto, 的Wyomissing, 宾西法尼亚; and 卡尔文Yoder), 的寺庙, 宾西法尼亚.

“Being a recipient of the Lion STEM Scholars program has put me in a position for success,史密斯说. “首先也是最重要的, 它为我的学费提供了经济资助, alleviating me of the pressure to prioritize working in order to pay for my education, 让我可以优先考虑我的学业. 其次, as I participated in the Engineering Ahead program … it prepared me for success as an incoming freshman. 我学的是, 我合作, 我了解了课程, 工作, 实习, 工程师的类型, 会发生什么. 最后, 它把我介绍给了其他即将成为工程师的新生, 教授, past cohort students — all which empowered me to feel like I am not in this alone, 而是现在是一个社区的一部分, 资源丰富, 支持, 和善良. 我很感激能有这个机会.”

The main goal of the LION STEM Scholars Program is to enhance the STEM workforce by graduating more diverse high-achieving STEM students who have demonstrated financial need. 宾州州立银行 will collect data to analyze how curricular and co-curricular activities influence STEM identity and disseminate findings in the areas of STEM persistence and role identity.

成为一名狮干学者是一种荣誉. This scholarship will help me tackle my education at Penn State without the burden of financial stress. I can focus my efforts on my studies instead of worrying about affording my tuition. This scholarship gives me a head start in my education since I come from an economically disadvantaged background.

——狮干学者matthias mattei

瑞安哈斯勒, 赌博平台大全的数学教学教授, 首席研究员在接受资助吗, 以及联合首席调查员道恩·普费弗·雷茨, 传播艺术与科学副教授, 和贾妮尔·拉尔森, 工程部部长, 他在十大正规赌博平台大全伯克商学院攻读商业和计算机专业. 其他高级人员包括索尼娅·德拉基托, 学习中心的协调员, 凯瑟琳·科汉, assistant research professor in the Center for Engineering Outreach and Inclusion at 十大正规赌博平台大全 Park, 谁将提供项目评估支持.

“I am excited to welcome our third cohort of LION STEM Scholars to 宾州州立银行. I look forward to 支持ing each of these scholars in their respective engineering disciplines as we analyze their STEM persistence as a byproduct of their developing STEM identities,哈斯勒说. 通过有针对性的干预, this program will provide students with academic and co-curricular 支持 across their four-year engineering degrees at Penn State. The financial 支持 provided by the National Science Foundation will be nothing short of a life-changer for those who might otherwise not be able to afford higher education.” 

Hassler also is the coordinator of the 宾州州立银行 Engineering Ahead program. He explained that 38% of the students enrolled at 宾州州立银行 are eligible for federal Pell grants. Hassler was interested in applying for the NSF S-STEM grant because many economically disadvantaged students are not able to complete their degrees due to financial limitations. The LION STEM Scholars Program will provide some of the funds these students need to complete their degrees.

“这项奖学金对我的大学教育有很大的帮助. Being from out-of-state and first-gen already proposes challenges; being part of the third cohort ensures that I have a sort of community built up before school, 与教职员工建立更紧密的联系, 以及更多的成长机会,多诺霍说.

“The LION STEM Scholars Program is an exciting opportunity program that builds on the success of the Engineering Ahead project, which was also initially also funded by the National Science Foundation. The short-term goal is to increase the success of talented 博克斯 students who want to major in engineering and who have documented financial need. The long-term goal is to improve students’ social mobility and overall 多样性 in the engineering workforce,Cohan补充道。.

mattei说:“成为一名LION STEM学者是一种荣誉. “This scholarship will help me tackle my education at Penn State without the burden of financial stress. I can focus my efforts on my studies instead of worrying about affording my tuition. This scholarship gives me a head start in my education since I come from an economically disadvantaged background.”

For more information on the LION STEM Scholars Program, contact Hassler at (电子邮件保护) 或访问 LION STEM学者网站.
